The INSIDER - Fall 2023


In realization of the significance of supporting Texas College financially, a collective body of individuals, organizations, and businesses assembled to answer the call and give to the Homecoming Fundraiser. In their selfless and generous efforts, this Herculean group successfully donated $68,353.43 to benefit four vital areas for the College:

· Student Scholarships; · Technology; · Endowment; and · Deferred maintenance.

For this, Texas College extends the sincerest of thanks and gratitude for your continued support of the 129 - year old institution. Your philanthropy speaks volumes and will undoubtedly assist Texas College in fulfilling its mission and empowering graduates to engage in life - long learning, leadership, and service. For additional information, clarity, or questions surrounding the Homecoming Fundraiser, please contact Jake Martin, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, at: (903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2327 │

Again, thank you for your support of Texas College and the Homecoming Fundraiser!

View a list of the Homecoming Fundraiser donors on the following page.


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