The INSIDER - Fall 2023

Throughout these workshops, individuals have received training, digital badges, digital devices, software subscriptions, and digital hotspots, which are provided through the CMC grant funding. In this regard, Texas College has and will continue to provide internet access to community partners through the provision of hot - spots for a two - year subscription service, as well as beneficial AI training to enhance the use of software and useful applications.

Texas College's goal for this project remains to expand access to bandwidth, the very foundation for the achievement of educational accessibility in a world that is rapidly transitioning from manual/in - person approaches to electronic tools for teaching and learning. The College has a keen interest to serve high schools, small businesses, healthcare entities, and other unfunded/underfunded partners that can provide needed support to both Texas College students, as well as the community. The Texas College campus at - large will see improved internet speed. The campus' access to broadband internet will increase from six gigabytes per second (Gbps) to 10 Gbps through the installation of Cat6 cable inside the existing Cat5 raceways throughout the campus. The work to increase speed will begin after the request for review from the Texas Historical Preservation Office (THPO). Given that Texas College's 129 - year old campus maintains multiple historical landmarks listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the THPO review is necessary to accommodate the NTIA’s request that efforts to increase broadband access, and/or additional wiring, has the assurance that construction will not deface or compromise the historical architecture of campus buildings. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Dr. Jan Duncan, Vice President for Academic Affairs, provides hands-on technology guidance to a student in class during the first week of the Fall 2023 semester.

and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the proposed Gbps speed upgrade is under evaluation for its potential effects to districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture, that are listed or potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP. Texas College has requested the Texas Historical Commission to review and comment on the proposed project to ensure any potential adverse effects would be avoided, minimized, and/or mitigated. No ground disturbance is anticipated since the devices will utilize existing raceways to install the Cat6 cabling; no new conduit is proposed.


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