The INSIDER - Fall 2020

Dear Alumni and Friends, I pray that all is well and that you and your family are safe and sound during this unprecedented period that is before us. You remain in our prayers as we look for moments of normalcy to soon return. Let us be reminded that with God all things remain possible as he hears the prayers of His people. I am pleased to share the fall edition of the INSIDER Magazine. This biannual publication is produced by the College and designed to share salient activities that have been impactful for the College, community and friends. You will note that in spite of challenging moments, there have been events and activities that have and continue to bring joy and pleasure. I trust that you will enjoy this edition, as much as we have enjoyed bringing it you. As we move to Spring Semester 2021, we are continuing to do so with vigilance, careful planning on behalf of our students, faculty, staff and stakeholders to maintain a safe environment. With this in mind, we will:  Close for the Holidays, at the end of business from December 18, 2020 - January 4, 2021.  Modify the College Calendar for the Spring term to include a “Winter Mini-Mester” i.e., January 4th – January 27th. The Spring Semester dates are February 3rd – May 14th.  Commencement is temporarily scheduled for May 15th. See the Texas College website (at for more details. I hope this information is helpful to you as we plan for a productive year. Moreover, I look for your continued support of Texas College as we help make “educational dreams become a reality.” Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and stay safe! Sincerely, Dwight J. Fennell President


The INSIDER │ Volume 15 │ Fall 2020

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