The INSIDER - Fall 2020
The CME Church Celebrates 150 Years
December 2020 marked a historic achievement in the life of the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church. With the utilization of virtual platforms, the CME Church celebrated a sesquicentennial milestone, commemorating their 150th founding anniversary. Via Zoom, the church even hosted a virtual gala to celebrate their continued impact throughout the past 150 years, as well as their future moving forward.
On December 16, 1870, the Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME), initially called the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, was founded in Jackson, Tennessee. Congregated at the First Methodist Episcopal South Church, the CME’s founding members were comprised of 41 former slaves concerned with ensuring the religious interests of Black members were adequately addressed and promoted within the church. The organizing of the CME Church in 1870 would prove of great benefit for the population in a multitude of areas, inclusive of higher education. Regarding education, the CME church has established and remains heavily associated with four institutions of higher education, all of which are liberal arts colleges. These colleges include: Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee; Paine College in Augusta, Georgia; Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama; and Texas College in Tyler, Texas. In addition to these colleges, the CME Church also maintains Phillips School of Theology, which is a part of the Interdenominational Theological Center, located in Atlanta, Georgia. “This significant milestone represents the church’s success in having navigated the extraneous influences of racism, social, political, and economic injustices for 150 years,” commented Texas College President Dr. Dwight J. Fennell. “Moreover, this celebration represents the church’s dedication to the mantra of God’s will since 1870. For this, the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is to be honored, commended, and applauded for their tenacity, good will, delivery of spiritual guidance, philanthropic support, caring benevolence, and support of educational offerings for mankind.” Dr. Fennell continued his sentiment, “I am pleased that the theme for this founders’ celebration references a ‘ministry of salvation, education, and liberation.’ This is commendable in that it gives homage the CME Church’s founding of postsecondary educational institutions, while also embraces their contribution to the liberation and salvation of a people with contributions to Historically Black Colleges nationwide. Texas College, along with the other CME founded higher education institutions, have significantly addressed the heart of the theme for this occa- sion. I believe that we individually and collectively, through the delivery of our educational processes, have liber- ated untold numbers to become educated leaders and productive citizens throughout the world.” Texas College, founded in1894 by CME clergy, was born out of, and has been a benefactor of, the financial gifts, prayers, and benevolent support of the CME Church. Since the College’s founding, the educational intent has not only been to educate those who enter our doors, but to also help them successfully graduate with opportunities and career pathways that lead to economic success and productive citizenry. Due to the direct and indirect support of the CME Church, Texas College has grown in enrollment, expanded the endowment, exponentially multiplied the physical plant, improved relationships locally and nationally, maintained cyclical accreditation, and operated consistently within the black for past 12 consecutive years. Dr. Fennell concluded, “As President of Texas College, I thank the CME Church for their contributions to humanity and for the foresight to address civic issues that have proven paramount for a peoples’ growth, when it was both unpopular and dangerous to do so. I thank the church for their embrace of higher education and creating pathway opportunities for untold numbers. Congratulations and best wishes to the CME Church on this monumental founders’ celebration.” 18 The INSIDER │ Volume 15 │ Fall 2020
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