The INSIDER - 2021 Year End Edition
A Texas College student intently listens on the first day of class for the Fall 2021 semester.
In March of 2020, Texas College went on their annual spring break; simultaneously, the COVID - 19 pandemic erupted across the globe and forced campus closures nationwide. With student, faculty, and staff safety at the forefront of this decision, the campus closure and instructional shift to completely virtual remained in place for the entire 2020 - 2021 academic year. However, this fall, fully - vaccinated students were finally able to return to campus to learn in person. While students were afforded the opportunity to return to campus, additional accommodations were provided for students to learn remotely as well. To implement this multifaceted modality, professors had to adapt their instructional methods to teach courses for both in - person learners, as well as those learning in a virtual environment. Termed as remote synchronous instruction, this method served as a two - way, live real - time, virtual instruction between instructors and students not in the physical classroom. Provided through a computer or other electronic device and facilitated through the Zoom platform, remote synchronous learning tracked daily attendance, student engagement, and active participation utilizing Biosignature software. Through this method, students were expected to attend class virtually, just as they would be expected to attend in - person, and likewise engage as though they were physically in the classroom. Outside of the classroom, virtual events and activities were also planned and held to engage remote learners, inclusive of an entire schedule of virtual homecoming activities for the week. Successfully, this instructional method addressed the course and degree program requirements on both fronts. The remote synchronous instruction method will continue to be utilized throughout the Spring 2022 academic term. For additional information on this instructional method, please visit the Texas College website,
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