The INSIDER - Spring/Summer 2024
The College is pleased to advise that two faculty members have recently published books. The two professors, Dr. Bassey Akpan, Associate Professor of Computer Science, and Dr. Edward J. Robinson, Associate Professor of History and Religion, each released new titles this spring. Dr. Bassey Akpan Dr. Bassey Akpan has recently published his new book, “Moral Principles of Biblical Giving & Financial Breakthrough: A Practical Approach to God's Covenant and Blessings.” The book introduces believers worldwide to the concept of serving God through giving with the resources He has bestowed upon us. Intended for application rather than theory, it is designed to remove anxiety and hesitation that may surround giving, and instead motivate and teach readers to rely on biblical principals and utilize giving as a specific instrument provided by God to benefit His children and aid those in need. In the book, giving is referred to as “planting a seed,” and the specific “seed” is money. Dr. Akpan thoroughly walks readers through the process of “planting seeds” and becoming successful “farmers,” in which this covenant is God's hammer for breaking through financial difficulties and providing a high-quality and plentiful “harvest.” PAGE 3 7 | THE I NS I DE R
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