The INSIDER - Spring/Summer 2024
ALPHA CHI Texas College has recently been accepted by the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, one of the top national honor societies in the country. The College’s acceptance yields the chartering of the Texas Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi, Chapter 409 in Region II, Texas College’s chapter. The Alpha Chi National College Honor Society recognizes exceptional student scholars and unites them around one goal—channeling creativity and curiosity into scholarship that serves the greater good. Alpha Chi's mission, in part, is to broaden members' collegiate experience by: Encouraging student creativity and research; Fostering excellence and service in action; Promoting personal growth through diversity; Equipping compassionate listeners and leaders Providing a path for academic and professional mentoring; and Exemplifying how to make scholarship effective for good. Texas College is excited and eager to offer this opportunity to students. The Texas Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi will afford scholars an enhanced landscape on campus to thrive and collaborate. The College’s Alpha Chi chapter will further fuel and invigorate a robust intellectual life both inside and outside of the classroom, providing students opportunities to engage with a community of peers on campus and across the country, as well as leadership and service opportunities to build students’ résumés. PAGE 2 3 | THE I NS I DE R
Alpha Chi also offers students a rich source for scholarships and financial awards, with many grants, scholarships, fellowships, awards, and travel stipends to support undergraduate scholarship. Dr. Mamta Gupta, Division Chair for Natural and Computational Sciences, and Dr. Jan Duncan, Vice President for Academic Affairs, will serve as the faculty advisors for the College’s Alpha Chi chapter. Texas College will officially celebrate the chartering of the Texas Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi during the Fall 2024 semester with an inauguration and induction ceremony to open the 2024-2025 academic year.
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