Homecoming 2022 Schedule


T EXAS C OLLEGE For additional information and inquiries regarding Texas College Homecoming events and activities, contact:

Dean Isaac Williams, Dean of Students (903) 593-8311, ext. 4027 │ iwilliams@texascollege.edu Mr. Justin Jackson, Student Activities Coordinator (903) 593-8311, ext. 2709 │ jcjackson@texascollege.edu

T EXAS C OLLEGE N ATIONAL A LUMNI A SSOCIATION For additional information and inquiries regarding Texas College National Alumni Association (TCNAA) Homecoming events and activities, contact:

Ms. Sandra Fails (405) 600-4284 Mr. William Parker (678) 858-7762 Ms. Shavon Moore (214) 830-0958


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