Homecoming 2022 Schedule
Beginning Thursday, November 10, Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend.
TCNAA M EET & G REET M IXER 8 PM │ COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Admission: $35 • Address: 7424 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TX 75703 S ILENT L ISTENING S OCIAL 9 PM │ CONNECTOR • Evening of music from a variety of genres and other options enjoyed through head phones instead of traditional speakers • Texas College student admission: two canned goods or one unwrapped new toy • Admission for all others: $5 and at least three canned goods • Tickets purchased at the Silent Listening Social • All attendees must provide a government issued ID
- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 8
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