Homecoming 2022 Schedule

Animated publication

Schedule of Events & Activities November 6-13, 2022

Table of Contents






















Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. In this regard, all visitors to the Texas College campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing.

Beginning Thursday, November 10, each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend.

Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives.

All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators.

Pre-sale Steer Sports Ticket Package available for all three games for $30 ($35 value). To purchase, email: businessoffice@texascollege.edu

For additional information and to access live streamed events, visit the Homecoming 2022 webpage: www.texascollege.edu/hc2022



T EXAS C OLLEGE For additional information and inquiries regarding Texas College Homecoming events and activities, contact:

Dean Isaac Williams, Dean of Students (903) 593-8311, ext. 4027 │ iwilliams@texascollege.edu Mr. Justin Jackson, Student Activities Coordinator (903) 593-8311, ext. 2709 │ jcjackson@texascollege.edu

T EXAS C OLLEGE N ATIONAL A LUMNI A SSOCIATION For additional information and inquiries regarding Texas College National Alumni Association (TCNAA) Homecoming events and activities, contact:

Ms. Sandra Fails (405) 600-4284 Mr. William Parker (678) 858-7762 Ms. Shavon Moore (214) 830-0958


Sunday, November 6, 2022 M ISS T EXAS C OLLEGE C ORONATION 6 PM │ MARTIN HALL AUDITORIUM • Crowning of Miss Kai’Lyn Primus • Suggested attire: business casual • Live stream available at: www.texascollege.edu/hc2022

Miss Kai’Lyn Primus 2022-2023 Miss Texas College

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 3

Monday, November 7, 2022 SPIRIT DAY • Wear Texas College paraphernalia • Greeks wear letters C AMPUS D ECORATION 12 PM │ MCKINNEY HALL • Transform campus into a festive Homecoming atmosphere

M EET THE G REEKS 12 PM │ CONNECTOR • Music on the yard • Refreshments • Strolls

G OSPEL E XPLOSION 6 PM │ COLLEGE HILL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH • Evening of worship presented by the Texas College Choir • Featuring national recording gospel artist Ernest Pugh • Sermon from Dr. Jamal Bryant, New Birth Church Pastor (Atlanta, GA) • Address: 1314 W. Houston St., Tyler, TX 75702

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 4

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 TWIN DAY • Coordinate matching outfits with best friend P OWDER P UFF F OOTBALL G AMES 3 PM │ GILMORE-HARTLEY HALL FIELD • Women’s touch football • Men serve as cheerleaders • Spectators invited to bring lounge chair

C OOKOUT 5 PM │ STEER WALK • Classic BBQ style cookout • Meal is free for current Texas College students • Meal is $10 for all others; purchased at the Cookout

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 5

Wednesday, November 9, 2022 WESTERN WEDNESDAY • Trail ride attire (e.g., boots, pearl snap shirts, cowboy hats, bolo ties) H ONDA C AMPUS A LL -S TAR C HALLENGE 10 AM │ CONNECTOR • Campus wide academic trivia competition • Student teams of four people (three players and one alternate) • Limited seating for spectators and guests

G REEK S HOWCASE 6 PM │ STEER WALK • Fraternities and sororities parade colors and letters • Stroll around the yard

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 6


Beginning Thursday, November 10, Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend. THROWBACK THURSDAY • Retro wear from the 1990’s or before A LUMNI C HAT -N-C HEW 10 AM │ CONNECTOR • Informal discussion between Alumni and students about their respective time as students • Light brunch available for participants RYS P ROJECT V IEWING 10 AM │PRESIDENT’S LIVING R OOM PATIO • The 2021 Home Depot Retool Your School project, the renovation of the President’s Living Room Patio, will be available for viewing to visitors until 3:00 P.M. A LUMNI L EADERSHIP S YMPOSIUM 1 PM │ MARTIN HALL AUDITORIUM • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Alumni provide insight into leadership and other select topics TCNAA G ENERAL B ODY M EETING 4 PM │ COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Annual homecoming meeting for TCNAA members • Address: 7424 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TX 75703

L ATE N IGHT B REAKFAST 7 PM │ CAFETERIA • Breakfast food favorites served for dinner • Meal is free for current Texas College students • Meal is $8 for all others; purchased at the Late Night Breakfast

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 7


Beginning Thursday, November 10, Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend.

TCNAA M EET & G REET M IXER 8 PM │ COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Admission: $35 • Address: 7424 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TX 75703 S ILENT L ISTENING S OCIAL 9 PM │ CONNECTOR • Evening of music from a variety of genres and other options enjoyed through head phones instead of traditional speakers • Texas College student admission: two canned goods or one unwrapped new toy • Admission for all others: $5 and at least three canned goods • Tickets purchased at the Silent Listening Social • All attendees must provide a government issued ID

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 8


Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend. JERSEY DAY • Wear favorite team’s jersey or other sport’s team apparel

T AILGATING & V ENDOR S ETUP 9 AM │ TEXAS COLLEGE CAMPUS • Vendors begin setting up • For more information, contact the Office of Business and Finance: businessoffice@texascollege.edu

S TEER P REVIEW D AY 10 AM │ MARTIN HALL AUDITORIUM • Prospective students are invited to learn more about Texas College

A LUMNI H OMECOMING P ROGRAM 10 AM │ GUS F. TAYLOR GYMNASIUM D EDICATION OF D R . M ERRILYN W OMACK F AISON C ONFERENCE R OOM • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Formal commemoration of Homecoming to welcome home Alumni, family, and friends of the College, as well as to embrace students to foster an environment of Texas College unity and fellowship • Dedication of the Dr. Merrilyn Womack Faison Conference Room • Live stream available at: www.texascollege.edu/hc2022

P EP R ALLY 1 PM │ STEER WALK • Multitude of exciting activities, games, and more

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 9


Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend. TCNAA A LUMNI L UNCHEON 1 PM │ COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Admission: $25 • Address: 7424 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TX 75703

TCNAA G RAND G ALA 7 PM │ COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Celebration of TCNAA’s 90th Anniversary • Dress Code: Black Tie • Admission: $80 • Live band: Taste of Audacity • Emcee: Celebrity the Comedian • Photographs available for purchase for $10 • Address: 7424 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TX 75703

L AST W INTER W HITE P ARTY 8 PM │ GUS F. TAYLOR GYMNASIUM • Music, photos, and other exciting inclusions • Dress code: all white (strictly enforced) • Texas College student admission: $5 for presale tickets or $10 at the door and two canned goods or one unwrapped new toy • Admission for all others: $10 for presale tickets or $15 at the door and at least three canned goods or two unwrapped new toys. • For presale ticket information, contact Dean Isaac Williams at: iwilliams@texascollege.edu

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 10


Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend.

H OMECOMING P ARADE 9 AM │ MLK PARADE ROUTE • Student, alumni, and community organizations in procession and on full display to cele brate Texas College and Homecoming 2022 • Live stream available at: www.texascollege.edu/hc2022 • For parade information and participation, contact Dean Isaac Williams at: iwilliams@texascollege.edu P RE - GAME T AILGATING 11 AM │ ALL SAINTS MEWBOURNE FIELD • Texas College fellowship with family, friends, and other Steer fans awaiting football game kickoff W OMEN ’ S B ASKETBALL G AME 12 PM │ GUS F. TAYLOR GYMNASIUM • Texas College vs. Texas Wesleyan University • Texas College students, faculty, and staff admission: Free with Fall 2022 ID • Admission for all others: $10; purchased at the game • Eligible for pre-sale Steer Sports Ticket Package

F OOTBALL G AME 2 PM │ ALL SAINTS MEWBOURNE FIELD • Texas College vs. Louisiana Christian University • Texas College students, faculty, and staff admission: Free with Fall 2022 ID • Admission for all others: $15; purchased at the game • Eligible for pre-sale Steer Sports Ticket Package • Address: 2695 S. SW. Loop 323, Tyler, TX 75701 • Live stream available at: www.texascollege.edu/hc2022

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Pre-sale Steer Sports Ticket Package available for all three games for $30 ($35 value). To purchase, email: businessoffice@texascollege.edu - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 11


Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend.

M EN ’ S B ASKETBALL G AME 6 PM │ GUS F. TAYLOR GYMNASIUM • Texas College vs. Holy Patriot University • 1992 - 1993 Men’s Basketball National Championship Team honored at halftime • Texas College students, faculty, and staff admission: Free with Fall 2022 ID • Admission for all others: $10; purchased at the game • Eligible for pre-sale Steer Sports Ticket Package • Live stream available at: www.texascollege.edu/hc2022 TCNAA P OST -G AME P ARTY 7 PM │ COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Admission: $35 • Address: 7424 S. Broadway Ave., Tyler, TX 75703

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Pre-sale Steer Sports Ticket Package available for all three games for $30 ($35 value). To purchase, email: businessoffice@texascollege.edu - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 12


Each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend. TCNAA W ORSHIP S ERVICE 10:45 AM │ MILES CHAPEL CHURCH • Hosted by the Texas College National Alumni Association • Students encouraged to attend • Address: 1922 N. Palace Ave., Tyler, TX 75702

C AMPUS C LEAN U P 12 PM │ MCKINNEY HALL • Transform campus back to its pristine and academic environment

- Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures campus wide to ensure the safety of constituents. Thus, all visitors to the campus must wear a face mask at all times and observe social distancing. - Everyone is encouraged to bring two canned goods and one unwrapped new toy to each event for campus holiday community service initiatives. - All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted and are open to public attendees and spectators. - Texas College contact information: Dean Isaac Williams│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 4027│iwilliams@texascollege.edu ● Mr. Justin Jackson│(903) 593 - 8311, ext. 2709│jcjackson@texascollege.edu - TCNAA contact information: Ms. Sandra Fails│(405) 600 -4284 ● Mr. William Parker│(678) 858 -7762 ● Ms. Shavon Moore│(214) 830 -0958 13

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