2024 Homecoming Schedule
Texas College continues to adhere to the best COVID-19 mitigation measures to ensure the safety of constituents. In this regard, all visitors to the Texas College campus are encouraged to wear a face mask and observe social distancing. Beginning Thursday, October 10, each vehicle entering the campus without a current Texas College parking decal will be charged a one-time $20 Homecoming entrance fee and will be provided a parking pass for the weekend. To pre-purchase your pass, contact the Office of Business and Finance at: businessoffice@texascollege.edu | (903) 593-8311, ext. 2200
All events listed are free unless a specific cost is noted.
For additional information, visit the Homecoming 2024 webpage at: www.texascollege.edu/hc24
T EXAS C OLLEGE C ONTACT For additional information and inquiries regarding Texas College Home- coming events and activities, contact: Mr. Jamaal Evans, Interim Dean of Students (903) 593-8311, ext. 4027 │ jevans@texascollege.edu Mr. Walter Yates, Student Activities Coordinator (903) 593-8311, ext. 2304 │ wyates@texascollege.edu T EXAS C OLLEGE N ATIONAL A LUMNI A SSOCIATION C ONTACT For additional information and inquiries regarding Texas College National Alumni Association (TCNAA) Homecoming events and activities, contact: Ms. Sandra Fails, TCNAA 1st Vice President of Programs (405) 600-4284 │ badlegs74@gmail.com
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