2023 Homecoming Schedule

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2023 90’S DAY: WEAR YOUR FAVORITE 90’S RETRO CLOTHING W EEKLY P RAYER 12 PM │FLAG POLE · Gather to pray among peers · Students, faculty, and staff only H ONDA C AMPUS A LL -S TAR C HALLENGE 10 AM │CONNECTOR · Campus wide academic trivia competition · Student teams of four people (three players and one alternate) · Students, faculty, and staff only F IELD D AY & P OWDER P UFF F OOTBALL 3 PM │GILMORE-HARTLEY HALL FIELD · Multitude of outdoor activities and competitions · Women’s touch football · Men serve as cheerleaders · Students, faculty, and staff only S ILENT L ISTENING P ARTY 9 PM │CONNECTOR · Evening of music from a variety of genres and other options enjoyed through head- phones instead of traditional speakers · All attendees must provide a government issued ID · Students, faculty, and staff only


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