2021-2022 President's Annual Report

S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ D ංඋൾർඍංඈඇ

Texas College continues to operate with the use of a Strategic Plan; the Plan for the current period is for 2018-2023. Each academic year of the Plan, the administration is accountable for contributing to measures of operation that increase the College’s posture of institutional effectiveness and accountability to stakeholders. The categorical emphasis of the Plan includes goals that address: S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ G ඈൺඅ 1: E ඇඋඈඅඅආൾඇඍ M ൺඇൺ඀ൾආൾඇඍ ൺඇൽ R ൾඍൾඇඍංඈඇ Enrolling, retaining and graduating students who are prepared to enter graduate/professional schools and/or the world of work. S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ G ඈൺඅ 2: C ൾඇඍൾඋ ඈൿ E එർൾඅඅൾඇർൾ Establishing academic emphasis within each divisional unit that exemplifies a niche program(s) related to the College's educational programs. S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ G ඈൺඅ 3: C ඈආඉඋൾඁൾඇඌංඏൾ T ൾർඁඇඈඅඈ඀ඒ Maintaining the use of a comprehensive technology plan that embraces institutional resource management, academic program delivery (virtually and face-to-face), cyber security, technology infrastructure development and continuous professional development with the use of technology. S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ G ඈൺඅ 4: S ඍඎൽൾඇඍ L ൾൺඋඇංඇ඀ Identifying best practices (within the academic units) that align teaching and learning with academic performance outcomes. And, establishing within the academic units the essential practices of critical thinking, communication skills (written and verbally) and computational skills. S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ G ඈൺඅ 5: I ඇඌඍංඍඎඍංඈඇൺඅ E ൿൿൾർඍංඏൾඇൾඌඌ Developing and maintaining planning, implementation and monitoring institutional practices that align with institutional policies and standards of accreditation. S ඍඋൺඍൾ඀ංർ G ඈൺඅ 6: F ංൽඎർංൺඋඒ A ർർඈඎඇඍൺൻංඅංඍඒ ൺඇൽ E ඇൽඈඐආൾඇඍ G උඈඐඍඁ Addressing best practices and standards of accounting principles, federal fiscal mandates, institutional fiscal policies, and standard guidelines for financial sustainability. Also, working with and through third party money managers for planning, implementing and monitoring the endowment.


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