127th Anniversary - Brief Historical Overview

J A N U A R Y 9 , 2 0 2 1

Saturday , January 9 , 2021 , marks a signi f icant mi lestone not only for Texas Col lege , but for al l who have exper ienced the empowerment the campus provides to those who step foot on the hal lowed grounds . January 9 , 2021 , of f icial ly serves as the 127th Anniversary of Texas Col lege ' s founding in 1894 by a group of Chr ist ian Methodist Episcopal ( CME ) ministers . This landmark achievement does not merely serve as one of longevi ty , but profoundly , and proudly , extends i tsel f to a ceaseless and unwaver ing commi tment to service . As the oldest inst i tut ion of higher educat ion in the Ci ty of Tyler , Texas Col lege laid the foundat ion for post - secondary educat ion for the ci ty , serving as a beacon of hope and opportuni ty for those who yearned for an educat ion and a better l i fe . important ly the placement of fai th and trust in God ' s inf ini te wisdom . For wi thout God ' s abundant and cont inuous blessings , Texas Col lege would not be as i t stands today . And , as i t stands today , in al l of i ts r ich and histor ic beauty , Texas Col lege maintains i ts unique posi t ioning to provide students an unmatched comprehensive educat ional exper ience in an envi ronment that fosters intel lectual , spi r i tual , ethical , moral , and social development . This unparal leled exper ience and educat ion af forded by the campus culminates and propels graduates into l i fe - long learning , leadership , service , and success , just as i t has for the past 127 years . As the inst i tut ion commemorates the moment ' s signi f icance , Texas Col lege embraces the 127th year wi th determinat ion . Resolutely , Texas Col lege asserts i ts dedicat ion to perpetuat ing and advancing the legacy to heights unforeseen into the next 127 years and beyond , cont inuing to give the people l ight to f ind thei r way . This celebrat ion of 127 years not only symbol izes , but embodies the spi r i t of resi l ience , perseverance , dedicat ion , and most

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